onsdag 8 februari 2012

Ryska FSB delger satellitbilder till al Assad

Enligt information från RIA skall chefen för FSB, Fradkov, ha delgivit al Assad information om rebellernas ställningar i Syrien.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov traveled to Damascus for talks with al-Assad on Tuesday. He was accompanied by Mikhail Fradkov, head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, who allegedly handed over the maps to Syrian government, the report said.
Asharq Al-Awsat cited unidentified sources in al-Assad’s government, but also said the information “was not fully confirmed.” Neither Foreign Ministry in Moscow nor Fradkov’s agency commented on the story as of Wednesday afternoon.

Ryssarna blir mer och mer desperata att hålla kvar sitt fotfäste i Mellanöstern.

KlartSkepp! - - . .

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